IBC Television Ministry
In the mid 1980’s the City of Ellensburg, Central Washington University, and the local cable television franchise formed a partnership to start and operate Ellensburg Community Television. ECTV’S purpose was to promote community, school, and government access to the television medium.
Community members were encouraged to become TV producers and film programming for the station. Funding was provided by a portion of the franchise fee paid by the cable company and space was provided on CWU’s campus for an office and editing facilities. State of the art cameras and other video related equipment were purchased and provided for use by community producers free of charge. Television air time was also free of charge.
In 1989, Art Clark, a member of Independent Baptist Church since 1982, became a community TV producer and started filming programs for ECTV. At first, Art only filmed special church services, like Easter and Christmas, for airing.
When Pastor John Allen came to the church in 1994, Art started filming once a month, then every other week, and finally every week, and the church service is now the longest running program on ECTV. The Sunday morning service is filmed every week, edited for time, and aired the following week.
The program can be seen on Charter Cable Channel 191 Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m., Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. It can also be viewed on demand at www.ectv2.com
Video DVD’s and audio CD’s of the services are also available free of charge at the church. The services also appear online at YouTube at IBCEllensburg2017.